A big number of households in Virginia have both parents working and placing their bundles of joy in the hands of childcare providers. Enrolling your child in a licensed daycare facility come with many advantages, such as having the peace of mind that your child is safe, offering a perfect environment for child development, and bringing a family to a state of being self-sufficient. The following information will help you choose the type of day care in Gainesville VA suitable for your child.
In this state, childcare is divided into two main groups: centers and family childcare. A childcare center offers care to children in a facility that is not a private home. These centers serve a large group of children of various ages. The charges are determined by the location of the facility and the age of your kid. For instance, urban areas facilities are more expensive, and the service for infants is a bit costlier than for toddlers.
According to Virginia law, every center-based daycare must have a license to operate a business. Licenses are obtained from Virginia Department of Social Services. You can operate a center-based daycare without a license so long as you are exempted from licensure as provided in the law. You get an exemption if you are operating a private certified preschool or due to religious practices. The law requires that any daycare operated from a non-private facility have a minimum of two children. If, on the other hand, the setting is a private residence, the facility should at least have 13 children.
Family-based daycares are operated in the owners home. The law does not require that every family-based daycare be licensed; however, if the provider is caring for more than five children, then they are not exempt from licensure. Besides the fact that operating a home-based daycare saves providers hassles of obtaining the license, this type of childcare is cheap and offers a family kind of setting for the children.
When looking for a daycare facility, most parents are more concerned about the safety and health of their kids than anything else. So, every childcare facility should have safety standards in place, which include child proofing, licensing, staff behavior among others. Parents should make sure that the childcare upholds to these standards before enrolling their children there.
Children are your most valuable asset, so you should have a good plan in place for protecting them. One way of ensuring their safety is checking off the items on the safety list above to make sure the center is safe. For instance, the center or family childcare program should at least meet all the licensing requirements in accordance with the law. In case of any doubts regarding the daycare, call up their licensor to find out if they have had any violations.
According to statistics, a big number of children in Virginia are in unregulated settings. This means that these facilities are not regularly inspected and checked for compliance by a government agency, and this is probably the reason there are many death occurrences in daycares. The high number of unregulated daycares can be blamed on the license issuance authority because there are currently more children in need of childcare compared to the licensed childcare.
Though licensing is no guarantee of safety, it is important to enroll your child in a licensed daycare program. Any daycare with an experienced childcare health consultant does very well in matters of health and safety. If possible, consider a childcare program with well-trained staff especially in early child education.
In this state, childcare is divided into two main groups: centers and family childcare. A childcare center offers care to children in a facility that is not a private home. These centers serve a large group of children of various ages. The charges are determined by the location of the facility and the age of your kid. For instance, urban areas facilities are more expensive, and the service for infants is a bit costlier than for toddlers.
According to Virginia law, every center-based daycare must have a license to operate a business. Licenses are obtained from Virginia Department of Social Services. You can operate a center-based daycare without a license so long as you are exempted from licensure as provided in the law. You get an exemption if you are operating a private certified preschool or due to religious practices. The law requires that any daycare operated from a non-private facility have a minimum of two children. If, on the other hand, the setting is a private residence, the facility should at least have 13 children.
Family-based daycares are operated in the owners home. The law does not require that every family-based daycare be licensed; however, if the provider is caring for more than five children, then they are not exempt from licensure. Besides the fact that operating a home-based daycare saves providers hassles of obtaining the license, this type of childcare is cheap and offers a family kind of setting for the children.
When looking for a daycare facility, most parents are more concerned about the safety and health of their kids than anything else. So, every childcare facility should have safety standards in place, which include child proofing, licensing, staff behavior among others. Parents should make sure that the childcare upholds to these standards before enrolling their children there.
Children are your most valuable asset, so you should have a good plan in place for protecting them. One way of ensuring their safety is checking off the items on the safety list above to make sure the center is safe. For instance, the center or family childcare program should at least meet all the licensing requirements in accordance with the law. In case of any doubts regarding the daycare, call up their licensor to find out if they have had any violations.
According to statistics, a big number of children in Virginia are in unregulated settings. This means that these facilities are not regularly inspected and checked for compliance by a government agency, and this is probably the reason there are many death occurrences in daycares. The high number of unregulated daycares can be blamed on the license issuance authority because there are currently more children in need of childcare compared to the licensed childcare.
Though licensing is no guarantee of safety, it is important to enroll your child in a licensed daycare program. Any daycare with an experienced childcare health consultant does very well in matters of health and safety. If possible, consider a childcare program with well-trained staff especially in early child education.
About the Author:
If you are searching for information about day care in Gainesville VA, you can go to our web pages online here today. Additional details are available at http://www.willowcreekacademy.net now.
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